Best wishes for the New Year! As we welcome our students back to school, let us thank you for a successful first half. Our preparation for our AASA test in April in the second half is just as important or even more crucial. Attendance and arriving on time at school are vital for our success! Mrs. Stewart will be addressing Extended Day via our Parent Communication, so please be on the lookout for that Dateland Cougar Families.

Thank you for supporting our students in their Christmas program this year! Our 8th grade also appreciates your generous contributions in our silent auction and purchasing our pozole dinner. We look forward to 2025!

We are looking to hire someone right away to fill our "fire watch" position. Contact Mrs. Stewart, our Superintendent, for more information at 928-454-2242.
Training for the position will be provided.

We dismiss @ 12:30 on Friday, December 20, 2024, as we start our Christmas break! We hope you have a safe and wonderful time with all of your family and friends! We will see you back here at school, on January 7, 2025, as we welcome the students back on Tuesday!

Sweater Weather... Spirit Week continues....

We are hosting the basketball and softball tomorrow, Friday, December 13th. Come out to cheer on your favorite athlete from either Wellton, Mohawk or Dateland. See you here at 9:30 am.

A gathering of celebrations..... making a wish and lighting a candle! 🐾

💯 that grinch spirit day... wear as much green or red as you can! 🐾

Holiday hair... don't care! We kicked off spirit week with fun and festive hair! 🐾 🎄

Join us this year as we celebrate the joys of Christmas on December 19th @ 6:00 p.m. We would love to sing for you and wish you a very merry Christmas on this very special night!

Here are our dismissal times for the week of 12.9.24. We hope your week is full of good health and wonderful greatness!

We have our NWEA District Assessment this week. Please make sure your child is at school. This assessment is crucial to measure growth. We are now at 65 days until we begin our AASA state testing. Attendance is vital, thank you so much for understanding!

Progress Reports go home on Monday, 11/25/24,
Monday Dismiss @ 3:00 and then on Tuesday, 11/26/24, we dismiss @ 12:30.

Progress Reports go home on Monday, 11/25/24, and then on Tuesday, 11/26/24, we dismiss @ 12:30.
The rest of the week will be our Thanksgiving Break! Enjoy time with your family and friends!

Thinking of changing schools? Now is the time in January... Happy New Year in 2025. Welcome to Dateland School and become a Dateland Cougar!

There is mandatory staff training on Wednesday so that we will dismiss at 12:30. Please note the dismissal change time. Thank you!

Wow! We were privileged to see these beautiful faces for 31 days (well 18 school days) for the month of October. We were tickled orange to see them every day! Keep up the great attendance kids!

Congratulations to both Selena and George as being chosen by Ms. Mann to be honored by the East Valley Optimist Club for the month of October. George can lead a class and can always be trusted to be honest. Selena has a heart of gold and can see the good in everyone. Congratulations again to the both of you!! 🐾

Thank you for understanding on Tuesday when our well pump went out and needed to be replaced. We dislike canceling school, but the kids' safety is our main priority.
Wednesday, 11/13/24, is a home game against Mohawk. We will dismiss after the first game at 3:00. Wear blue and gold on Wednesday!

Good evening Dateland Cougars. School is cancelled tomorrow ( Tuesday November 12, 2024 ) due to lack of water. Our well pump will be serviced tomorrow. We plan to return to normal schedule on Wednesday. Sorry for the inconvenience to your family. We appreciate your understanding!