Look at the #STMath Rockstars! These outstanding students finished the journey ahead of schedule. Liliana, Orlando & Sebastian worked day and night to complete the thought-provoking math puzzles. We are extremely proud!
3 days ago, Chandra Mann
Happy Sunday! This week, we have two basketball and baseball away games. On Wednesday, the games begin at 2:00 at Mohawk Valley School, and on Friday, the tournament is also at Mohawk Valley School, beginning at 9:30 a.m. We have AZELLA testing this week. Please make note that we have 20 days until be begin the month of AASA testing.
11 days ago, Chandra Mann
week 3.3.25
Are you thinking of changing schools for the 2025 - 2026 school year? Wanting smaller class sizes and more individualized education for your child or children? Dateland School offers that! In the springtime, we are offering online registration on our website. We have Kinder 'A" and Kinder "B" classes, please call the school for more information @ 928-454-2242.
19 days ago, Chandra Mann
Go Cougars!
Good Morning! Our Week Ahead: We have 24 days until we begin the month of AASA state testing! It is so important to be at school to be ready for this test. We have AZELLA testing this week, NO games this week, and on Friday is "Read Across America Day" and Dr. Seuss Dress Up Day. Have a GREAT rest of your day!
19 days ago, Chandra Mann
Come cheer on the Dateland Cougars on Wednesday, 2/19 @ 2:00 P.M. as we take on the Mohawk Braves. 12:30 we will have a pep assembly to pump us up! We will dismiss @ 3:00 on that day after the first game is finished. Students make sure you wear your blue and gold on Wednesday! Go Cougars!
24 days ago, Chandra Mann
home game
Our week ahead: Monday - No school Tuesday - picture day Wednesday - pep assembly @ 12:30, home game @ 2:00, dismiss @ 3:00 (after 1st game) Thursday & Friday - regular days :) We appreciate you for all you are doing Parents and Guardians! Thank you sincerely from all of us!
25 days ago, Chandra Mann
There is no school on Monday, February 17th. Tuesday 2/18/25 is PICTURE DAY. You can bring a change of clothes to change into. They will take sports pictures. Remember to bring your game clothes or uniforms, and our cheerleaders' cheer outfits.
25 days ago, Chandra Mann
Pres day
Best of luck to our Isabella Weimer from 6th grade. This is her 3rd year competing in the Yuma County Spelling Bee. 🐝
30 days ago, Chandra Mann
spelling bee
**Due to the late start on the Wellton / Dateland games today, transportation will leave at 3:30 p.m. Updates will be posted as needed. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 928-454-2242.
about 1 month ago, Chandra Mann
BLUE AND GOLD WEDNESDAY! Wear your spirit shirts! Pep Assembly @ 12:30 in our Gym! And our games begin @ 2:00 against Wellton Bulldogs. Bring your cheer and loud voices as you cheer on your favorite athlete!
about 1 month ago, Chandra Mann
home game
Happy Sunday! We have an exciting week ahead! We have a home game on Wednesday, February 5th, at 2:00. We welcome the Wellton Bulldogs for basketball and baseball. Our pep assembly begins at 12:30 in the gym. Wednesday, we will dismiss @ 3:00 (after the first game) On Thursday, Sunset Mobile Dental will be here @ 8:00 a.m.
about 1 month ago, Chandra Mann
We have three students who have finished our new ST Math Program. " ST Math is mastery based, which means students must pass each level with a score of 100% (all puzzles correctly solved) before the next level in a sequence becomes available to them." We began this program in October. This is absolutely unbelievable! The representatives at ST Math were even amazed! Congratulations to Victoria, Matthew & Jorge! #STMATH
about 1 month ago, Chandra Mann
Can you believe it's almost February? WOW! This calendar includes the end of January and the upcoming month of February! Have a great week ahead!
about 2 months ago, Chandra Mann
feb. 25
Happy Sunday! This week, our 5th—8th graders have an away game at Wellton at 2:00. We are playing girls' basketball and boys' baseball. Go Cougars!
about 2 months ago, Chandra Mann
week 1.27
Thank you to everyone who participated. We received the bids, and these are the winners for each vehicle. Thank you again!
about 2 months ago, Chandra Mann
bid results
Have a fantastic week ahead! Friday, January 24th is our 100th day of school! DRESS UP! Let's have fun on this day - dress up as a 100-year-old person or wear 100 things on your shirt!
about 2 months ago, Chandra Mann
These students made growth in ALL areas of our NWEA District Testing Assessments fall to winter. We are extremely excited at their success to grow in all testing areas! Keep up the great work ALL Dateland Cougars!! 🐾
about 2 months ago, Chandra Mann
Congratulations to Santiago who was chosen by Ms. Veronica Leon as December's Optimist Student of the Month. Santiago's positive attitude, continuous smile and his encouraging support for his classmates is what made him stand out! Keep it up Santi!! 🐾
about 2 months ago, Chandra Mann
Transportation Sale The Hyder School District is accepting sealed bids for the vehicles listed below. Bids must be received in the Dateland School Office by 3 PM on January 21, 2025. Each vehicle requires a separate bid, and all vehicles are sold as-is. The buyer is responsible for transporting the vehicle to their new location at their own expense. Bids will be opened at 9 AM on January 22, 2025, to determine the winning bids. Winning bidders will be contacted on the same day. A blank bid sheet is attached for your convenience. For more information, please get in touch with Monica Baughman or Ariana Lopez at (928)454-2242. Thank you! **Vehicles for Bid:** 1. 1991 International Bus #10 - 93,194 miles, not running 2. 2000 GMC Bus #2 - 207,745 miles, not running 3. 2003 Bluebird Bus #12 - 110,957 miles, not running 4. 2005 Bluebird Bus #9 - 250,293 miles, not running 5. 2008 International Collins Activity Bus - 50,422 miles, not running 6. 1997 Ford F-150 - mileage unknown, not running
2 months ago, Chandra Mann
Dear Dateland Cougars, Thank you for your participation in our recent survey about the Extended Day program at Dateland School. After carefully evaluating the input and concerns from parents, we have decided not to implement the Extended Day program for this current year. To maintain our academic standards, we have restructured our schedules to provide more instructional time dedicated to core academics. As a result of these changes, some students may experience a slight increase in their homework assignments. Your involvement in supporting your child with these daily activities is essential for their success. We appreciate your time and effort in helping us uphold academic excellence while also allowing for more family time at home. The Dateland staff is committed to providing the best for our families and students. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to support your child’s education! Happy New Year to you and your family! Deborah Stewart Superintendent
2 months ago, Chandra Mann