Frequently Asked Questions
Are you looking for answers? We’ve responded to some of your most frequently asked questions below. If you need more details, we encourage you to read our student handbook. As always, you can also call our front office with questions.
Are the district offices and elementary school at the same location?
Yes. Hyder School District and Dateland Elementary School reside on the same campus. The elementary school is grades K–8 and serves approximately 200 students. Some of the administrators are teachers.
What other purposes does the Dateland Elementary School campus serve?
The school site also acts as an education center, a disaster refuge site, a location for social functions, and an emergency medical center.
Does Hyder School District provide bus transportation?
Yes, we do. We want to remind students that riding the bus is a privilege and that we require their best behavior at all times while on the bus.
Does Hyder School District provide bus transportation?
Yes, we do. We want to remind students that riding the bus is a privilege and that we require their best behavior at all times while on the bus.
Are meals available to students in the district?
Yes, students may purchase breakfast and/or lunch if they wish. Please check with Food Services to what we're serving on the menu each month.
What is the district dress policy?
Hyder School District has a dress code, and we expect students to follow it. Students should keep themselves well groomed and neatly dressed at all times. Please keep your clothes washed and clean. School uniforms consist of plain shirts with collars and sleeves and pants of a plain non-denim variety. Please tuck in shirts or have them fastened appropriately. Students must wear sweaters or jackets at the waist; we prohibit "sagging.” Students can wear shorts only if the length of the inseam is 3" or not more than 3" below the knee.
Please do not wear the following:
See-through clothes
Wallets with chains
Bare midriffs
Hanging belts
Fishnet fabrics
Low cut tops
Tight-fitting clothing
Hats, caps, or bandanas
We strictly enforce the dress code and will send home those who don’t comply.